The Crucial Link Between a Full Tummy and Sleep
As all my clients know and anyone who has watched my videos in the App will know, I am a HUGE advocate for a FULL tummy!
Whether you have a Newborn, Baby or Toddler a FULL tummy really is the secret link to achieving good quality sleep. The bond between feeding and sleep is not merely coincidental; it's a fundamental aspect of your baby's well-being.
In this post, I'll delve into the essential relationship between a satisfied belly and peaceful sleep, shedding light on why ensuring your baby is well-fed plays a pivotal role in their sleep patterns.
The connection between a full tummy and baby sleep is profound and undeniable. Adequate nourishment not only supports your baby's growth and overall health but also plays a crucial role in their sleep patterns and quality.
By embracing responsive feeding, recognizing the importance of daytime calories and promoting a balanced diet, you're fostering an environment where your baby can experience the full benefits of restful sleep.
It's no secret that proper nutrition is vital for a baby's growth and development. But did you know that the right amount of nourishment is equally crucial for their sleep quality?
The Baby Sleep Magic App will help your baby sleep better within days or your money back, Download today on a 3-day Free Trial
Let's explore how the link between a full tummy and baby sleep unfolds:
1. Promoting Deep Sleep
Adequate feeding during the day can lead to deeper sleep cycles at night. Babies who are well-nourished are more likely to experience uninterrupted periods of deep, less protesting and more restorative sleep.
2. Nighttime Awakenings
Hunger can be a significant disruptor of sleep. Babies who are inadequately fed might wake up more frequently during the night, searching for nourishment. Ensuring your baby is full before bedtime can lead to longer, more restful sleep periods.
3. Balanced Growth
Growth spurts are common in a baby's early months. Providing ample nutrition during these phases (more feeds more often) can ease discomfort and help your baby sleep through these periods of rapid development.
4. Stable Blood Sugar Levels
Babies have smaller stomachs and faster metabolic rates, making them more sensitive to fluctuations in blood sugar levels. When a baby's tummy is full, their blood sugar remains stable, reducing the likelihood of waking up due to hunger during sleep.
5. Nurturing Comfort
A well-fed baby often experiences a sense of physical comfort that contributes to a relaxed state conducive to sleep. A full belly can provide a reassuring feeling that eases your baby into slumber.
Strategies for Nurturing a Full Tummy and Sound Sleep
1. Responsive Feeding
Pay attention to your baby's hunger cues and respond promptly. Whether breastfeeding or bottle-feeding, allowing your baby to feed when they are hungry ensures they receive the nourishment they need. My recommendation for babies not on solids is: aim for 3hrly milk feeds throughout the day and 4hrs overnight.
2. Frequent Daytime Feedings
Babies & Toddlers control their own calories, so by offering more feeds/food more often during the day can prevent excessive hunger and frequent night wakings. For Babies over the age of 6-8 months, my recommendation is to ensure they are on 3 substantial meals a day plus all their milk feeds.
For babies over 9 months ideally they are having the recommended 3 meals, plus a solid morning tea, afternoon snacks along with 3 milk feeds - morning, afternoon and before bedtime.
If your baby/toddler is still waking over night for a feed you may like to reduce the amount of milk they are having overnight as this can help encourage better day time feeding/eating.
3. Evening Routine/last Bedtime Feed
Incorporate a calming bedtime routine that includes feeding as one of the last activities before sleep. Aim for the last feed to be 20-30 minutes prior to your baby's actual bedtime as this can help ensure your baby gets a FULL feed before getting too tired to feed.
4. Nighttime Feeding
Nighttime feedings are a natural part of a baby's sleep routine. However not all wakings require a feed. Aim to keep night feeds 4hrs apart and once your baby wakes during the night, aim to stall... for 10 minutes if possible, try to offer comfort first, as they may surprise you and go back to sleep.
In the event you do need to feed, approach these feedings with a gentle and calm demeanour to minimise disruptions to your baby's sleep.
5. Cluster Feeding
During growth spurts or fussy periods for young babies, cluster feeding (feeding more frequently) can help ensure your baby's tummy is full before a longer sleep stretch.
6. Proper Burping
For newborn babies proper burping after feedings can prevent discomfort that might disrupt your baby's sleep.
The Baby Sleep Magic App will help your baby sleep better within days or your money back, Download today on a 3-day Free Trial