The Complete Guide to Newborn Sleep

What to expect in the first few weeks

Bringing a newborn into the world is an exhilarating and life-altering experience. The first 8 weeks with your baby are filled with a whirlwind of emotions, sleepless nights, and countless precious moments. As you embark on this incredible journey, it's essential to prepare yourself for the highs and lows that come with caring for a newborn. In this blog, I'll guide you through what you can expect during the first 8 weeks with your little one.

Weeks 1-2

The Newborn Honeymoon Phase The initial days with your newborn often feel like a dreamy, surreal period known as the "newborn honeymoon phase." Your baby is adjusting to life outside the womb, and you're adjusting to the newfound responsibility of caring for a tiny human. During this time, sleep is sporadic, and baby's needs take precedence. Be patient with yourself and your baby as you establish a routine and bond.

Weeks 3-4

Sleep Deprivation Takes Its Toll By the third week, sleep deprivation may start to catch up with you. Your baby's sleep patterns are still unpredictable, and you may find yourself navigating a mix of short naps and nighttime feedings. Establishing a sleep routine and taking turns with your partner can help ease the exhaustion. Remember to prioritise self-care when possible, whether it's a short nap, a warm shower, or a quiet moment to recharge.

Weeks 5-6

Smiles and Coos Around the fifth and sixth weeks, you may notice your baby's first social smiles and delightful coos. These small gestures are heartwarming and provide a glimpse into your baby's emerging personality. Engage in gentle playtime, make eye contact, and enjoy the simple joys of bonding with your little one. As your baby becomes more alert, you'll witness a beautiful connection forming between you and your newborn.

Weeks 7-8

Developing a Routine As your baby approaches the two-month mark, you'll likely begin to establish a more predictable routine. While every baby is different, many newborns start showing signs of a more consistent sleep-wake cycle. Use this time to focus on a bedtime routine, providing a calming atmosphere to help your baby wind down. This can include activities like a warm bath, a gentle lullaby, or a soothing bedtime story.


The Baby Sleep Magic App will help your baby get a full nights sleep within days or your money back, Download today

“Let go of schedules”

You cannot 'spoil' a newborn baby as they need as much attention as you can give them! Allow yourself time to adjust to your new family and try to enjoy each step of the way. Your baby will not settle into a predictable routine until about six to eight weeks or sometimes older. The routine in the early days is more about following Tracey Hogg’s E.A.S.Y routine! Eating, Activity, Sleep and, Your time! = E.A.S.Y!

E = Eat

Feed your baby, whether you are breastfeeding or bottle feeding, feeding should only last 20-30 minutes maximum. Newborn babies tire early, so any longer could mean your baby may be using you as a prop/dummy.

A = Activity

At this age, the activity can be as simple as giving a burp and changing their nappy! If you have time you can try a bit of tummy time.

S = Sleep

After 45 – 60 minutes, your newborn baby is going to be ready for another nap, our biggest tip at this age is to ensure your baby does not become overtired. Your newborn baby is only capable of staying awake for a small amount of time (45 minutes to 1 hour), and this includes feed time.

Y = Your time

This is your opportunity to have a shower, enjoy a hot cup of coffee or just relax on the lounge whilst watching Netflix!

The Baby Sleep Magic App will help your baby get a full nights sleep within days or your money back, Download today

Awake time

In the first six-eight weeks your newborn is only capable of staying awake between 45-60 minutes (which includes feeding time), be sure to feed, burp and nappy change and if possible, offer a bit of tummy time along with some cuddles, swaddle, and place your baby down in bassinet awake before the 60-minute mark.



The Baby Sleep Magic App will help your baby get a full nights sleep within days or your money back, Download today

Where should my newborn sleep during the day?

For the first six - eight weeks I recommend napping your baby during the day in a light room as this will avoid day/night confusion. By exposing your baby to natural light during the day & getting outside where and when possible, this will also help avoid day/night confusion

When should I introduce a Bedtime Routine? 

Its never too early to implement a bedtime routine. A bedtime routine is a great way to implement routine and consistency with your newborn baby. It makes them feel secure knowing what comes next. Keep it simple and no longer than 30 – 45 minutes. A warm bath, a massage and a full feed is just an example.

When time should my newborn go to bed?

Newborns typically do not follow a fixed bedtime schedule like older children or adults. Instead, they often sleep in short cycles throughout the day and night, waking up frequently for feedings. It's important to understand that newborns have an irregular sleep pattern and are not yet adjusted to a day-night sleep cycle. Some babies are ready for bed between 7-8 pm whilst others will not be ready until 10-11 pm. Its all about finding what works for you and your baby.


The Baby Sleep Magic App will help your baby get a full nights sleep within days or your money back, Download today


Navigating newborn feeds is a crucial aspect of caring for your little one during the initial weeks. In the early days, newborns typically feed every two-three inline with their hunger cues.

Providing a full feed every two-three hours to a newborn rather than allowing frequent snacking every hour serves several crucial purposes in promoting the health and well-being of the baby. A full feed encourages efficient and effective feeding sessions, allowing your baby to consume a satisfying quantity of milk that supports satiety and reduces the likelihood of constant hunger. This approach also aids in establishing a more predictable routine for not only your baby, but for yourself. It also contributes towards better sleep patterns and a sense of stability. Additionally, spacing out feeds enables the baby's digestive system to function optimally and ensures that for breastfed babies they receive the hind-milk, which is richer in fats and essential nutrients.

In the first few weeks Breastfeeding mums might find it challenging at first as they and their baby establish a comfortable latch. For bottle-fed babies, ensuring the appropriate formula and nipple flow is essential.

Expect your newborn to show hunger cues like rooting, sucking on hands, clutch fist/s or increased alertness.

How can I get my Newborn baby in a routine?

Establishing a flexible routine for your newborn is a gradual and adaptive process that can bring a sense of order to your days while allowing room for the unpredictability that comes with caring for a newborn baby.

In the Baby Sleep Magic App I'll walk you through setting your days and nights up for success and help you improve your child’s sleep using a holistic approach without the need for sleep training or CIO! It will also boost confidence and provide you with the knowledge, advice, and tools you need to enjoy the Newborn stage.

The Baby Sleep Magic App will help your baby get a full nights sleep within days or your money back, Download today

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