How to Survive Traveling with Babies
Traveling with a baby can be a daunting prospect, but with careful planning and a positive mindset, it can also be an incredibly rewarding experience.
From my personal experience, it was not until I changed my expectations that our holidays became more enjoyable all around, try not to get hung up on the things that go wrong or are different from your expectations.
Your aim is to enjoy having new experiences and connect in a new way as a family. It is important to appreciate the fun moments that you will remember for a lifetime rather than focusing on the short-term difficulties that may crop up.
Whether you're embarking on a road trip, flying across the country, or taking a holiday abroad, this guide will provide you with valuable tips and strategies to ensure a smoother journey for both you and your little one.
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Plan Ahead
- Research your destination: Find out about family-friendly accommodations, restaurants, and activities. Look for baby-friendly amenities like changing tables, high chairs, and stroller-friendly paths.
- Create a travel checklist: Make a list of all the essentials your baby will need, including nappies, wipes, formula or breast milk, baby food, extra clothing, and any favorite toys or comfort items.
Pack Wisely
- Pack a separate nappy bag: Keep all baby essentials organized in a dedicated bag for easy access during travel.
- Dress comfortably: Choose clothing that's easy to put on and take off for diaper changes. Layers are also helpful to accommodate changing temperatures.
Timing is Everything
- Plan your travel schedule around your baby's routine. Try to book flights during nap times or overnight to minimize disruptions.
- Allow extra time: Babies require frequent breaks, so build in extra time for feeding, nappy changes, and comforting.
Baby Gear
- Invest in lightweight, portable baby gear like a travel porta cot, stroller, and car seat. Consider renting larger items at your destination to save space and hassle.
- Babywearing: A baby carrier can be a lifesaver for keeping your hands free while navigating airports or sightseeing.
Feeding On the Go
- If you're breastfeeding, nurse on demand to keep your baby comfortable and hydrated.
- For formula-fed babies, pre-measure powdered formula in separate containers for convenience.
- If your baby has started solids, pack easy-to-carry baby food pouches or containers.
- Aim to offer feed/dummy on take-off and landing to assist with the change in pressure on your little ones ears.
- Bring a variety of toys, books, and activities to keep your baby engaged during transit.
- Download baby-friendly apps or videos for entertainment on your electronic devices
- For toddlers, ensure you have plenty of NEW activities and snacks as this will help keep your child occupied.
Be Prepared for Unexpected Challenges
- Carry a first-aid kit with baby-specific items like baby pain relievers and teething gel.
- Have a plan for handling unexpected delays, cancellations, or lost luggage.
Be Considerate
- Apologize in advance to fellow travelers for any potential disruptions and be courteous to airline or hotel staff. Most people understand the challenges of traveling with a baby.
- Use noise-cancelling headphones for your baby if you're concerned about loud noises during transit.
Stay Flexible and Patient
- Traveling with a baby can be unpredictable. Stay flexible and adjust your plans as needed.
- Remember that the journey is an adventure for your baby too, and their reactions can be part of the fun.
Squeeze in naps
- Aim to get naps in where you can. If that means it is in the pram, the car, or even in the carrier, it is better to have a cat nap than no nap at all, as this will result in you having an overtired baby, which can lead to restless nights and early mornings.
Routine and Bedtime
- Aim to maintain your routine for meals, naps and bedtimes. If your baby's bedtime ritual at home includes a bath, story and a bottle, aim to do the same on holidays.
- Maintain a dark sleep environment as this will eliminate early rising and help link cycles.
- If bedtime or night wakings become a challenge, you could use the pram in order to get your little one off to sleep. Use motion to your advantage! Once asleep you could then transfer into their sleep space.
Jet Lag
- Aim to get on your new time zone as quickly as possible
- To help your’s and your baby's body clock adjust to the new time zone, aim to get plenty of day light exposure, particularly at first light ie: 6am
- Stick to your baby's normal wake windows and encourage their normal napping schedule (don’t let them over nap)
- Once back home, allow at least 1 week for your baby to adjust to their new time zone /schedule
Enjoy the Experience
- Embrace the opportunity to create lasting memories with your little one. Traveling with a baby may have its challenges, but it also offers unique joys and experiences that you'll cherish forever.
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Additional tips
* If you are traveling abroad for less than one week, my advice is to continue your routines based on your home time zone, however, if you are traveling for longer than one week then I suggest amending your timings.
From my own personal experience, anything less than seven days is not worth the change, by the time you get your child on track it is time to come home.
* If your planning on being away longer than a week, you may like to practice sleeping your little one in the porta/travel cot approximately one week before you intend to travel, set up the porta cot in your baby's bedroom and practice sleeping your child in the porta cot, as this will allow them to become comfortable while in a familiar environment.
If your child wakes up, put them back in the cot and each night try to extend the duration in the porta cot.
* Replicate your home sleeping environment by bringing along your cot sheets and favourite blanket, etc. By carrying this out, the new environment will feel and smell like home., this is due to babies and toddlers relying much more on their sense of smell.
* Consider introducing a comforter before your trip for added comfort in a foreign place
* For other time zones that may only differ by a couple of hours from home, you may slowly adjust to the new time zone by moving nap times, mealtimes, and bedtimes gradually. i.e.: forward or backward by fifteen to thirty minutes per day over a few days before you leave.
Surviving and thriving while traveling with a baby is all about preparation, flexibility, and maintaining a positive attitude.
By planning ahead, packing wisely, and being patient, you can ensure a smoother and more enjoyable journey for both you and your baby.
So, go ahead and embark on that family adventure; the world is waiting to be explored with your little one by your side.
Lastly, it’s important to remember, what happens on holidays stays on holidays!!, Sometimes you have to go into survival mode and maybe you co-slept, however, this doesn't mean you have to continue doing so when you return home.
When you get home, you can immediately reestablish regular sleep routines, and within a couple of nights, your little sleeper will be Getting Back On Track
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