Surviving Day Care Naps
Starting daycare is a major transition in any child’s life and your child’s sleep can really get thrown out of whack, which can be frustrating and stressful for you and your child.
Accept that no matter how well you prepare, there is not much you can do once your child is out of your hands and in daycare. Below are some tips that may help with the transition to daycare.
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- Try to give your child plenty of play dates and visits to the centre before starting.
- For the first week at daycare, start your child on half days so they can attempt one sleep there but can be brought home to have a good nap to make up for it later that day if needed.
- Prepare for an overtired baby. It is a very stimulating environment and they can be exhausted after a big day. Even if they are good sleepers at daycare, they will still be tired by the end of the day.
- Ensure you take their lovey or favourite blanket to day care. Your child will cling to this initially as its familiar to them, and the recognisable smell will bring them comfort.
- Consider collecting them early so they can have an afternoon “power nap” in the car on the way home if possible.
- Ask your daycare provider to ensure that your child eats and drinks sufficient amounts during morning tea and lunch. Shortage of food is a common cause for night waking’s after a “daycare” day.
- If your child has to stay at daycare for a long day, ask the staff to give your child dinner between 4 pm- 4.30 pm so that when you collect them, you are not rushing your evening routine and are not trying to feed dinner to an overtired child who refuses to eat. Instead, you can arrange a calmer time and sit and read some stories or have some parent-baby play time before bath.
- 30 minutes before bed I recommend you offer something to top them up from dinner such as porridge, yoghurt or a banana, and consider an earlier bedtime.
- Eventually, babies will settle into daycare and can learn that what happened at daycare does not necessarily happen at home. Continue to be consistent with your usual bedtime behaviours and the rewards will speak for themselves.
The Baby Sleep Magic App will help your baby get a full nights sleep within days or your money back, Download today